Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch, The Flu, and a blessing from above!

Charlotte asked me almost every single day in October if it was Halloween yet. She was so excited to dress up and trick or treat! Nana came out for the week and Charlotte was on cloud nine! Nana seems to be the center of Charlotte's universe! They do everything together and Charlotte and Acey get so spoiled. Our week consisted of watching Home Alone, eating french fries, and ice cream sundaes. lol Papa flew out on Friday and we had a big sleep over at our house. Caden, Cooper, and Cate spent the night. Ace was in heaven playing with his boy cousins! Then the next day we went to the pumpkin patch. We were having so much fun. A little while after we arrived I looked down and didn't see Ace. I yelled to everyone where is Ace? Everyone started looking and he was no where in sight. I ran over to the Train ride area and there he was. Trying to get on the train you had to pay for all by himself. lol There was not turning away at this point. He had to ride it. So we paid for him and let him ride. He was so happy. This by far was the best part of his day!

This was such a fun pumpkin patch!
Charlotte got to touch baby chicks, pigs, goats, sheep, and make corn angels!
Ace was copying Cooper and got corn all over his lollipop! lol

On our way back from the pumpkin patch Charlotte got sick in Auntie Cams car and we had to pull over, get some medicine and take her home. I felt terrible that she didn't get to wear her costume, trick or treat, or even say goodbye to Nana and Papa. We were stuck in the house the rest of the week with the flu! Auntie Cam suggested we have the kids dress up on Thanksgiving and do treasure hunt for candy. So that's what we are planning on doing to make up for Halloween!

We also have fantastic news to share!
Jack found a grant through United Health Care Children's Foundation. We applied last month and have been praying about it ever since! Yesterday I received a package in the mail. I opened it up and saw a cute teddy bear with a big thick envelope. When I saw it I knew exactly what it was! It was the answer to our prayers! Ace was granted 5,000 dollars to be applied towards his Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy! We are so excited and feel so blessed. Thank you so much to United Health Care for understanding how much ABA can help children with Autism.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Therapy, Transitions, and Parties!

It's been another crazy week at the Pardo house!
Tuesday I took Ace to Bista Autism Center. It was in the same building as the doctor that diagnosed him. It was hard at first being in that court yard again. Remembering that day made me sick to my stomach. But then I thought no need to dwell on the past when we have such a hopeful future! Being there again just showed me of how far we have come and how well Ace is doing. His intake went well. I got a tour of the building and classrooms. Everyone there was so nice and they loved Ace. He did great during his evaluation and hopefully I did well on mine. lol They are going to call us when they have our results and we will set up another meeting when Jack can be present and they will give us our treatment plan.

Wednesday was busy with speech and occupational therapy for Ace. It was also the first day Ace slept in his new big boy bed! Jack and I were preparing for the worst! But luckily he never comes out of his room and he doesn't leave his bed! He is so excited and we are so proud of our little buddy! Jack and I are now crib less for the first time! lol We are very excited about that!

Thursday both of the beebs have school. I dropped off Charlotte and realized that she was the only one that wasn't wearing a costume. Apparently, I hadn't been told they were having a Harvest Party! Char just looked up at me with those big brown eyes and I felt like the worst mommy ever! I told her I would be right back! I dropped off Ace at school and ran to the store. I found a Cat accessory kit, some cookies, juice boxes, plates, and an eyeliner. I went back to her school and had the owner pull her out of her class. When I showed her the cat costume I knew I was redeemed! She was so excited. I put it on her, drew on a nose and whiskers then let her have a peek in the bathroom. I felt so much better when she skipped off to class. She had a great time. I got to listen to her tell me all about it while she sipped hot coco with marshmallow's after dinner.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Their lies punish our children

When Ace was diagnosed with Autism last year the statistics were 1 in 150 children were diagnosed. The new numbers are out and it is unbelievable. It now affects 1 in 58 boys. This is an epidemic that we can't ignore. These perfect babies are being robbed of their futures by the American Medical Association failure to take a stand. In 1980 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with Autism. There was also about 10 vaccinations that children received at that time. Now there is 37 vaccinations and it's 1 in 58 boys. Whats it going to take to get them to admit they are wrong!

Our First Emergency!

Yesterday was picture day at Charlottes school. Needless to say it was a busy morning getting her picture perfect! I dropped Charlotte off at her school at 8 and then Ace at his school at 830 then I came home. After about 20 minutes I got a call from Charlotte's school. I thought maybe she spilled something on her clothes and they want me to bring her something else for her pictures... that wasn't the case! The teacher said that Charlotte had fallen and bumped her lip and she might need stiches! I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys! I think I got there in like two minutes! lol On the way I called Jack and he rushed home too so he could pick up Ace from school while I took Charlotte to the emergency room.

When I arrived she wasn't crying anymore. She was being so brave! Her upper lip was so swollen as you can see from the pictures! The bleeding had almost stopped but her gums were bleeding and were also very swollen. I asked the teacher if she had her picture taken yet and the answer unfortunetly was No! I asked if they had a make up day and again the answer was No!
Charlotte was not thrilled to hear that. After looking at her I realized that we didn't need to go to the emergency room. We needed a dentist! I brought her home and called our dentist. They said to bring her right in. Charlotte wanted to wait for her Daddy! So after about 20 minutes or so Jack arrived and off we went to Charlottes first visit to the Dentist!
She was pretty nervous but she did great! The dentist kept moving her chair and it freaked her out. But after he examined her teeth we were free to go. We've been given a 50/50 chance of her two front teeth turning gray but we are thankful they are still attached and they are baby teeth anyways!
We took her to Sonic for an ice cream and then to Blockbuster where she picked out The Little Mermaid 3 and Monster House for Ace. She was not thrilled that I didn't let her go back to school! But I promised her that I would take her to get her pictures taken at the Mall when her lip feels better and that cheered her right up!
We went home and watched Monster House which we all loved but Charlotte kept hiding in the hallway during the scary parts!
A pretty busy morning that turned in to a lazy afternoon with my hunny and my beebs. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Past Year

So I realized that I haven't written a blog in a year! So much has happened! Ace has been GFCF for almost a year! That's quite a accomplishment in it's self! Stevens Law passed June 30th stating that our health insurance must help pay for ABA therapy. That was the answer to our prayers! We are now talking with a school called Bista in Tempe who is helping us get Ace started in to ABA therapy. Ace and Charlotte are both in preschool and thriving! We are still in Maricopa which might surprise most that we actually have a permanent address!
We completed our family in February when Jack surprised Charlotte on her birthday with a beautiful boxer puppy we named Punchie Parker Pardo! Her training is um... ... it's.... going okay! lol She is a very loving and protective of our little beebs. We feel very blessed that she is a part of our family.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A is for Ace!

Dear Friends and Family,

On September 4th of this year our little Ace was diagnosed with Autism. His case is mild and he doesn’t fit the profile for a typical child with Autism. Ace talks a little bit, he smiles, he gives hugs and kisses, and he waits patiently in time out for his two minutes to be up! He loves to play chase with Charlotte and Jack and dance to Yo Gabba Gabba! In many ways he is a typical 2 year old.

We believe Ace’s autism was caused by an overload of vaccinations causing damage to his immune system. It also contributed to chronic ear infections and the antibiotics damaged his stomach and intestine lining. We plan to start Ace on a Gluten and Casein Free diet along with natural supplements to help heal his stomach issues. We are asking that everyone will keep Ace in your thoughts and prayers as we start this process.

I hope to update this blog at least once a week to post pictures and chart Ace’s progress!


Vaccinations are not safe! The Vaccine schedule is not safe!

Vaccines contain aluminum, mercury, and Flu shots still contain thermosil.

Children in 1983 received 10 vaccinations. Children now receive 37 vaccinations.

A toxic dose of aluminum for an infant is 20 micrograms. The amount of aluminum given in the Hepatitis B vaccine given on the day of birth has 250 micrograms. At two months of age the same infant could receive immunizations containing as much as 1875 micro grams of aluminum.